Brrr….It’s cold outside..You don’t feel like going out there in this weather, it’s damp and dark too.

As you turn over in your bed you come face to face with your beloved furry one. You can almost hear him saying..”Wake up, it’s time to go out for a walk. Come on, you know you want to, it’s such fun”.

At this time of year the motivation to take your dog for a walk is probably at it’s lowest. Yet this is a task that must be completed. But do not fear, there has been research on this matter and also on the most part, common sense says, take shorter walks in cold weather. Dogs may have a fur coat but they do still feel the cold. Obviously, some dogs handle cold weather better than others. Smaller dogs will be the first ones shivering and letting you know that 10 minutes round the houses is quite enough. Whereas dogs with larger frames and more fur are usually content to stay a bit longer in the great outdoors. So, cutting your walk short is okay when the temperature drops and investing in a good quality dog coat is sometimes necessary.

Some good alternatives to staying in, are indoor play times, size of house permitting. Dog toys are always great to keep your pets mind occupied. It can be a useful time to train your dog and use dog puzzles to stimulate their brains. If all else fails some low thrown dog balls and the old favourite of hide and seek never fails to amuse.

Feeling the cold can be problematic at bedtime too, so a well chosen dog bed with warm linings are key in the winter especially for very young and old dogs and should be placed in a draft free part of the house.
Alternatively, a blanket or throw is a great way of warming up an existing, favourite bed.

Winter is a time for your dog to feel like part of the family, so any time spent snuggling up together is time well spent.

Winter is here for a few months, so enjoy it together !

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